
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Recipe Book

I hate having to look in five million different cook books to find my favorite recipes. So last year as part of a craft day I made my own recipe book to house all of our family favorites.

If I made this last year then why now is this post going up??? Well I'm just now getting around to actually typing up recipes, printing them off, and filling it up.

Now that I'm really using the thing I absolutely love it. I love having one go to spot to find all of the goodies we're gonna cook up around here!

All you need is:
- a binder (the size is your choice)
- some cardstock and cute paper for the dividers and cover
- sheet protectors to house all those recipes from getting covered in spills ;)
- ribbon (optional)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dust Bunnies

One of our other Mommy/Daughter activities this week was making dust bunnies. I saw this idea in Family Fun magazine and thought my toddler would be at the good age to use some of these.

We used a pair of socks and then decorated them using a permanent marker, pom poms, and googly eyes.

Now when I'm trying to clean the house she can be right there by my side dusting away!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Oodles and Oodles of Noodles

I've started a new thing around here and I'm trying to plan at least one structured activity (something aside from reading and playing) during the day that just my little girly and I do together.

One of our activities this week was to make noodle necklaces. My baby loves sand and sticks and cars but the girl also loves makeup and jewelry just as much. So I decided we would make necklaces. We used our cheapest (and her most favorite) noodles - Mac'n'cheese and went to town.

First we tried coloring them but for a two year old that was a little tough and she wasn't into it very much. So we just beaded them along until it fit her and she now has been wearing it around the house for days.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Our dining room/kitchen BEFORE (well I had painted)...

How many people had this same table from college???

Then we attempted the biggest home improvement project thus far - knocking down a wall!!!

First we removed a few cabinets...

Then went at it - removed drywall and 2x4's, moved electrical, drywalled, mudded, etc...

Our dining room/kitchen AFTER...

There's still a lot left on the list - paint kitchen, ceiling, and cabinets, as well as finish the hole in our flooring. But for the time being we're are pretty pleased with the results.

I'll post some more pictures when we are REALLY done with this project. Don't hold your breath though because it's taken us almost a year (yikes!!!) to get this far so there's no timeline on when the rest will really get completed :)