Melanie nominated me for the Beautiful Blogger Award.

A big thanks to
Melanie - who is someone who I absolutely adore her own decorating style as well! She's such a good mom, awfully sweet, and even knows how to make college apartments extremely cute!!!
As a recipient of this award, I must:
1. Thank the person nominating you for the award.
2. Copy the award to my blog.
3. Place a link to their blog.
4. Name 7 tidbits people don't know about you from reading your blog.
5. Nominate 7 bloggers.
6. Place a link to those bloggers.
7. Leave a comment letting those bloggers know about the reward.
7 tidbits:1. I have to sleep with my socks on. Usually with thick jammies, a heated blanket, and a down comforter as well. If I'm not warm and cozy I can't fall asleep.
2. Until I got married I could probably count on my two hands the number of foods I liked. No pickles, tomatoes, onions, peppers, mustard, etc. The list could go on! I don't know how the hubby did it but now I like pretty much everything!
3. I probably average taking a pregnancy test about every two to three months. I'm extremely nervous I'm going to get pregnant when I'm not planning on it. So far our plans have worked and we haven't had any surprises yet!
4. Until my sophomore year of college I probably had never run more than 1 mile at a time. Now I consider myself a runner (maybe jogger is a better word) and try and log between 3-5 miles a day. It's not something I love yet (don't know if I ever will) but I believe anyone can do it if they try.
5. I love movies but have never seen lots of the classics. No Indiana Jones, no Sound of Music, etc. Maybe one day :)
6. Besides good 'ole Canada I have never left the United States.
7. I used to have my belly button pierced. I should have listened to my oh so wise momma because that is one decision I regret. It's been out for almost 10 years and I still have a hole - ucky!
7 bloggers:1. Two sites I check regularly are people I do not know but what they share. Amy at
The Idea Room because she has tons of different ideas and Kari at
UCREATE because she finds everything for me and takes the hard work out of blogging!
2. Sharla at
My Little Gems. I used to teach school with her - she amazed me then and continues to amaze me with all her talents!
3. Kierste at
Brown Paper Packages. My best buddy who always provides loads and loads of ideas and inspiration!
4. Jewels at
Jewels of a Preschool. This lady has infinite wisdom when it comes to kiddos! I'm lucky enough to know her and ask her millions of questions!
Freebies for Moms. Who doesn't like free stuff? Enough said.
6. Rachel at
Chronicles of Abigail. I met Rachel in college and she always gets my mind thinking of things I normally wouldn't have. Whether it's food, books, etc. I'm always drawn to reading her posts.
7. I love seeing redos - of anything and
Better After features some cool ones. Whether it's furniture, kitchens, etc. I love seeing the somewhat crappy things people can turn into beautiful.