Monday, August 8, 2011

burned silk flowers

My girls have been in desperate need of some new hair things. We have a TON of them already but they were wanting some new ones and I had a few in mind I'd been wanting to try. Introducing some of the easiest and cutest flowers (although I know they've been around for awhile now!)

My mom made these last year with some of her girls at girl's camp (a camp girls 12-18 go to from our church). She gave me a super cute red one and I've been meaning to make some of my own ever since.

Life happens and I am just now getting around to making some. I'm so sad it took me so long because they were super quick and easy - and adorable.


1. Buy whatever color silkyish fabric you'd like - I bought an 1/8th of a yard and that would make at least 3. I bought mine from JoAnn's and it cost me 50 cents.

2. Cut five different sized circles.

3. Hold the edges of each circle over an open flame. Be careful not to catch in on fire. The edges will start to melt and curl up.

4. Once you've done each of the five circles stack them on top of each other. Using a needle and thread put a small stitch in the middle to keep the fabric together.

5. Add whatever embellishment you'd like to the middle (button, bead, brad, etc.)

6. Attach a clip/rubberband to the back.

enjoy ~


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