Friday, August 12, 2011

keepsake notebook

I consider blogging a way to keep track of our family memories, milestones, and definitely a journal of our family. As my children grow more and more each year I'm reminded of how quickly time passes by. Especially at back-to-school time I'm more and more recommitted to recording all the funny, cute, special things my children do and say that make our day-to-day lives so enjoyable and that I want to remember forever.

For Mother's Day I gave my mom a cardstock covered and embellished notebook with the title "Words of Wisdom from Grandma". I wrote to her on the first page and left the rest blank for her to record anything and everything she wanted for my kids. My mom had a very special relationship with her own grandma and I want my kids to have that same thing with my mom. This is her little notebook to record things she wants them to know, advice, funny things that happen or they say when they're with her, etc.

One day my mother will give my kids this and I hope it's a special token and reminder of their grandma's love for them and something they'll end up cherishing forever.

enjoy ~

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